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Mae Jessie, Dom, Runit, a Kitty yn eich croesawu i'n hystafell ddosbarth. Mae gennym 9 ymarfer i chi eu cwblhau gyda 10 cwestiwn i bob ymarfer. Am PDF o'r sleidiau, ymarferion, atebion, a thaflenni cwestiynau papur, cliciwch y botwm Lawrlwytho Pecyn Athrawon.

profi ledled y byd

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing, nuclear veterans and nuclear bombs worldwide.

Dysgwch am y gwledydd ledled y byd sydd wedi perfformio profion Niwclear a'r ddeddfwriaeth a gyflwynwyd i wahardd y profion.


profion Americanaidd

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. USA performed 1030 tests.

Perfformiodd Unol Daleithiau America 1030 o Brofion.

(Heb gynnwys bomio Nagazaki a Hiroshima)


Profion RUSSIA

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. Russia performed 715 tests.

Perfformiodd Rwsia 715 o Brofion.



LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. UK performed 45 tests.

Perfformiodd y Deyrnas Unedig 45 prawf.


Profion Tsieineaidd

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. China performed 45 tests.

Perfformiodd China 45 prawf.


profion Ffrengig

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. France performed 210 tests.

Perfformiodd Ffrainc 210 o Brofion.



LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. India performed 6 tests.

Mae India wedi perfformio 6 phrawf.



LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. Pakistan performed 6 tests.

Perfformiodd Pacistan 6 phrawf.


profion gogledd Corea

LABRATS Academy - Education about nuclear testing andnuclear veterans. North Korea performed 6 tests.

Perfformiodd Gogledd Corea 6 Prawf.


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